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* Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota: Over 2 million Americans have epilepsy and the largest group with epilepsy is children under the age of 18. (1 in every 60 children has epilepsy)
*More than 6.4 million children, or 13.4%, of the public school enrollment receive special education services through IDEA, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act according to the US Dept. of Education, Digest of Ed. Statistics 2003, Table 54 (Dec. 2004).
*The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates autism affects 1 in 110 national births.
*Autism Estimate Up 50 Percent In Britain. As many as 1 in 64 British children could have autism spectrum disorders, according to the most comprehensive look at the prevalence of autism among British children to date. Disability Scoop May 29, 2009
*Nearly one in every 50 American women between the ages of 35 and 54 has experienced a stroke, according to research presented at the 2008 International Stroke Conference.
*American Stroke Association reports a stroke occurs every 40 seconds and 700,000 Americans will suffer from brain attacks.
*Today 4.5 million Americans are living with developmental disabilities, including autism spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, mental retardation and fragile X syndrome. Alongside each affected individual are countless family, friends and professionals who are also impacted. Disabilityscoop.com
* 16,995 total nursing facilities in the U.S! www.efmoody.com
*1 American in 5 is a person with a disability! www.disabilityisnatural.com
* Between 1987 and 1999, the use of group homes serving individuals with developmental disabilities and containing six residents or less increased by 240%! www.minddisorders.com
*2008 The House and Senate passed the Clean Ocean Act Bill.
*Tile Fish is one of the fourth highest mecury content fish, Darlyn Galloway.
* According to the American College of Sports Medicine: More than 1.5 million new cases of Diabetes are diagnosed yearly! It is one of the most common chronic diseases affecting people in the United States.