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I want _______ Bracelet
This bracelet has the words I want________ on one side and on the reverse side it has the words, "I need help." The I want__________ bracelet may be used to promote speech and language. Permanent markers do not stay on silicone bracelets, this bracelet is not intended for that use. This bracelet can be reused with a washable type marker to write the words or draw a picture on the line.
1. Point to the words and slowly say, " I want ___________" to the bracelet wearer. This prompts the bracelet wearer to give you a response. If the response is verbal with words, write the words on the bracelet. If the response is pointing to a object, draw that picture/object on the bracelet.
2. You may use the entire bracelet by pointing to the words, "I need help." Next, ask "Does Suzy/I need help?" Then do step 1 listed above to complete the request.
How to use the words: I need help.®:
1. When a person looks distressed the staff member can say, “Look at your/my bracelet.” This prompts the person to look at the bracelet and then ask for help.
2. Non-verbal people can point to their own bracelet; this will cue the staff member that help is needed.
3. Point to the words on the bracelet and slowly say, “I need”. This cues the person to specifically say what they need.